Indeed, the "Helicopter sound is rather complex", as mentioned in Frequency Analysis of Helicopter Sound in the AS332 Super Puma, or in Helicopter blade slap, J. A more technical SE discussion at The sound of rotating helicopter blades. More technical terms exist for their different noises, depending on the of enngine, the manoeuvre, the number of blades, the flight "mode".
While the "chop" root is loose, I like its similarity with the cut ("to chop"), and " chop chop", rooted in Cantonese, adopted by English seamen meaning "hurry, hurry". in Why do helicopters make the pulsing noise when they fly?.they make the loud chopping noise that's so familiar (in This Is a Picture of the Sound a Helicopter Makes),.Why do helicopter blades make the choppy sound they do when they are spinning around at a constant speed?.It is sometimes called with the broad and somewhat loose terms "chop chop", choppy or chopping sound, see for instance: You could have heard a pin drop.It appears that the different noises produced by helicopers can be pretty complex, and I could not foresee the OP would raise my interest on this topic. On the other hand, to describe a place or a situation that was completely quiet, with no one speaking, you might say you could have heard a pin drop: We all stood in stunned silence.
that is extremely loud is sometimes described as blaring (out) or being at full blast: My granddad had the television on at full blast./Music was blaring out from speakers at the side of the pool. If a place is so noisy that you cannot give your attention to anything, you might complain that you can’t hear yourself think: Kids, can you stop shouting, please? I can’t hear myself think! A radio/television/hi-fi, etc. There are some very common phrases that relate to sound and the lack of it. A continuous loud noise made by hard objects hitting each other is sometimes called a clatter: The clatter coming from the kitchen made conversation almost impossible.

A commotion is a continuous, loud noise that suggests confusion or arguments: What was all the commotion about next door? A hubbub is similar and suggests the noise of people talking excitedly: It was hard to hear what anyone was saying in the general hubbub. A mutednoise, meanwhile, is more quiet than you would expect, sometimes suggesting a lack of enthusiasm: The applause, when it came, was muted.Ī loud noise that is unpleasant and continues for a while may be called a din or a (informal) racket: They were making such a racket outside that I couldn’t sleep./I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.

Starting with complete quiet, we sometimes use the noun hush to describe silence: A hush fell over the room as the bride walked in./There was a deathly hush(=complete silence) after the announcement.Ī slight noise that you cannot hear well may be described as faintor low: There’s a faint hissing noise coming from behind the TV./They spoke in low voices and I couldn’t hear what they were saying? (Of course, ‘low’ used to describe a voice can also mean ‘ near the bottom of a range of sounds’.) A sound that is quiet and not clear may be described as muffled: I could hear muffled voices next door, but I couldn’t make out any words. In this post we look at a range of words and phrases that we use to describe noise and the absence of noise.